Well selected profiles are becoming a dominant element of the building’s façade and determine the style of house interior. The selected shape and colour of a window will give your house an individual character.
ARTECH COMFORT line windows are available in more than 200 colours – RAL colours, veneers in the colours of wood and aluminium. Colours do not change their shade under changing weather conditions. The most popular ones are presented below:
A few colour versions of handles are available.
2 colours of rubber gaskets are available: grey and black.
7 colours of frames are available.
14 patterns. Simple way to distinguish windows, make them lighter and more individual.
In new houses, windows take an increasing area of walls. In order to reduce heat losses, only windows of low thermal transmittance UW for the whole window shall be used. The lower the parameter, the less energy escapes outwards.
The following elements are applied in ARTECH COMFORT windows ensuring a very good thermal transmittance value for the whole window:
2 panes are coated with thermal insulation from inside and inter-glazing space is filled with noble gas (argon). This allows heat to be freely transmitted inside, preventing heat from “escaping” out. Thermal transmittance value is low, Ug 0.7 W/mK, warranting warm window.
Thermal transmittance UW for representative 1 x 1 m Artech Comfort window (3 glazing panes, 70 mm Artech profile) is 1,1 W/ m2K.
Functionality of a window is not limited just to the possibility to open and tilt a window. Use innovative solutions of ARTECH COMFORT line, which will make the use of windows and balcony doors easier.
All PVC windows are “ultra-tight” and may cause excessive air humidity level in a room, followed by increased risk of mould formation. On the other side, air exchange, especially in winter, costs a vast amount of precious energy. Venting through an open or tilted window occurs very rapidly, causing serious heat losses in a short period of time (approx. 2°C in 10 minutes); therefore, use our innovative ventilation solutions provided in ARTECH COMFORT line – choose the best option for you:
Multi-function handle allows for a 3-position tilting of a window in a very simple and comfortable way. Turn it to one of three positions – to select small, medium or large tilt, depending on current needs and weather conditions.
Instead of opening a window or balcony doors, position a handle in a 2-3 mm trickle ventilation position, ensuring proper air exchange. That system keeps mosquitoes outside in the summer, as well as water in rainy days. Trickle ventilation is used in tilt and turn windows and balcony doors.
Specjalny przełącznik umożliwia zmianę kąta rozchyłu okna, a co za tym idzie, dopasowanie stopnia wentylacji do panujących warunków pogodowych. Latem wybieramy większy, a zimą mniejszy uchył. Dzięki temu w chłodne dni ograniczamy straty ciepła, jednocześnie dbając o właściwą cyrkulację powietrza i zdrową atmosferę.
Noise influences on our health and comfort. If you live nearby a noisy street or in the district where children make a lot of noise, and you want to comfortably rest after work, use ARTECH COMFORT windows. Suitable noise reduction coefficient Rw * at the level of 31 dB will protect you against unwanted noise from outside.
* *Acoustic insulation of windows is expressed using noise reduction coefficient Rw given in decibels (dB). The higher the Rw value, the less noise gets inside.
If, outdoor sound pressure level is 70 dB (e.g. passing truck) and Rw parameter for a window is 31 dB, the sound pressure inside will be at the level of 39dB.
Each building expands and contracts, and so initiated stress may potentially damage a window. Therefore, our profiles are built from 6 chambers, steel reinforced along the whole perimeter.
APPEARANCE | very good | very good |
FUNCTIONALITY | very good | very good |
ACOUSTIC INSULATION | good | very good |
ENERGY EFFICIENCY | good | good |
SAFETY | none | very good |
VENTILATION | very good | exceptional |
AMOUNT OF DAYLIGHT | very good | very good |
WIND- AND RAIN-LOAD RESISTANCE | very good | very good |
BURGLAR-PROOF | basic | very good |
Windows and doors manufactured in our factory were granted all necessary certificates for use in construction industry based on CE marking and declaration of compliance in accordance with EN 14351-1:2006 standard. Our products are also certified with the Building Research Institute certificate.